Our links with the Local Community
Our Links with the Local Community
As a law firm established in Lancaster and Morecambe for over 70 years we have deep roots in our community and beyond. Here are a few examples of what we do to engage with the world outside the confines of our office at 6 Fenton Street.
Firstly, there are a number of local grant giving charities to which we provide legal advice and administrative support:
The Elizabeth & Richard Wilson Charitable Trust
This charity was set up by the Will of a local man called Richard Wilson and is named in memory of him and his sister. Mr Wilson was from Warton near Carnforth and directed that 10% of the Trust Fund be used for each of the benefit of Warton Methodist Church and the upkeep of the Churchyard at Warton Parish Church and a further 10% be applied to help young people from Warton with their higher education (this part is administered by Warton Parish Council). The remaining 70% is applied at the discretion of the five trustees of the charity in accordance with the instructions in Mr Wilson’s Will for the benefit of local churches, local Scout & Guide Groups and the education and spiritual development of local young people. Sue Hodgson (our former Senior Partner) is one of the trustees alongside Jen Le Page, Sally Richardson, Michael Rowlinson and John Shakespeare. Our present Senior Partner Gary Rycroft acts as Clerk to the Trustees and he or Caroline Robertson may be contacted for further details and an Application Form.
The Banks Lyon Memorial Trust
This charity was established by Dr Walter Lyon, who was a local doctor and farmer. It exists to help local young people who face barriers to accessing training and gaining qualifications for employment.
Local = those living in Lancaster, Morecambe and District (the same as Lancaster City Council).
Young = mainly those aged 16-25 years but others considered.
Barriers = of a social and/or financial nature
General Benefits = helping young people to fulfil their potential and to benefit the local community through their future employment.
The trustees are Kirstie Banks-Lyon, Julia Krier, Richard Bowker, Becky Stevens, Maggie Dodd and Fiona Gordon (Chair). Gary Rycroft acts as Clerk to the Trustees and may be contacted for further information and an Application Form.
The Areti Charitable Trust
This charity was established in 2017 to encourage children and young people living in the administrative area covered by Lancaster City Council to engage with nature and the natural environment. Please click on the link below to the website of the charity for further information:

Secondly we actively engage with charities who work with our local community to help make it kinder and more equitable:
The Bay Dementia Hub
Joseph A. Jones & Co were founder members of The Bay Dementia Hub which was set up in 2015 to offer support to those living with Dementia, their loved ones and carers. We attend the regular meetings of the Hub which take place on the first Friday of the month. Please click on the link below for further information:
Dying Matters and North Lancashire Compassionate Community
Our senior partner Gary Rycroft was, until 2020, Chair of the Dying Matters Forum, which is part of Hospice UK. Dying Matters is an England wide broad based, inclusive and rapidly growing coalition which aims to change public knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards death and dying. It encourages conversation and planning for the one event none of us can avoid:
In our local area, we have been involved with setting up and supporting the North Lancashire Compassionate Community which has objectives aligned with Dying Matters and intended to be active within Lancaster, Morecambe and district. Locally we work with representatives from Lancaster University, the Hospice, NHS and most importantly lay people, to organise events and training.
Mirador is charity set up to celebrate, promote and educate the arts, heritage and culture in the North West of England. We helped the founders register as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and our senior partner Gary Rycroft was one of the original trustees. He retired from this role in 2022.
Defying Dementia
The Defying Dementia Campaign exists to raise awareness of research by Lancaster University into neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Motor Neurone Disease. At Joseph A. Jones we support the campaign by attending and speaking at events. Please click on the link below for further information:
Age UK Lancashire & Age UK
Age UK Lancashire is an independent Lancashire based charity which is a brand partner with the national charity of the same name. The Lancashire Charity raises funds to support and care for older people living in Lancashire. At Jospeh A. Jones & Co we have worked with Age UK Lancashire for a number of years, for instance to sponsor the groundbreaking initiative working in collaboration with The Dukes to set up Dementia Friendly Film Screenings. This project which became known as “A Life More Ordinary” gained nationwide recognition and became a template for similar initiatives undertaken by Arts Organisations up and down the country:
Nationally our Senior Partner Gary Rycroft is a member of the Age UK Charitable Activities Oversight Committee.
Litfest is a local charity which organises an annual festival and other events in Lancaster and the surrounding areas to promote the enjoyment of literature for people of all ages. Olivia Egdell-Page served as a trustee for a number of years.
St. John’s Hospice and CancerCare
It is a common misconception that St. John’s Hospice and CancerCare are one and the same, not least because the Lancaster site of CancerCare is next door to the Hospice. The work they do and the people they help often overlap, but they are two separate charities which distinctive roles to play in our local community.
At Joseph A. Jones & Co we have had many clients over the years who have benefitted from the free care, compassion and support offered by one or both of them and so we endeavour to do our own bit for them by fund raising and offering legal support to both St. John’s Hospice and CancerCare whenever we can. Both charities are legendary in local community and rely on local support to keep going:
The Dukes
At Joseph A. Jones & Co we love The Dukes Theatre and Cinema and recognise its importance to the cultural and economic well being of our district. For ten years from 2008 we put our money where our mouth is sponsored the nationally renowned “Play in the Park”, an annual Promenade Performance in Williamson Park and one of the iconic events in the Lancaster and District Calendar: